
We’ve built quite the world for ourselves. I can fly anywhere in the world within a day, find any information I want to with the click of a search bar, and get anything delivered to me with the tap of a button. It’s great! 

At the same time, I feel like we’re missing something. My grandparents didn’t have any of this stuff, but they were far, far happier back in the 1930s than most of us are today?

So why does that matter and what is ‘What’s My Carrot’ about?


It’s about tapping into some of those ideas that give people meaning and make them happy. Ideas that give you a reason to jump out of bed in the morning. 

We don’t want to tell you which one idea will make you [insert whatever you think you desire here]. There’s too much of that out there today. We don’t want to sell you snake oil and then go retire on a yacht in the Mediterranean. We do want to help you see for yourself which ideas about life and meaning resonate with you and can help you move in the direction you want to go in. 

Explore, have fun, and stay in touch!


The ‘What’s My Carrot’ Team 


P.S. Want to reach out to us? Fill out the form below and we promise we’ll respond!

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